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Lend A Hand

Since 2002, The Fresno Area Hispanic Foundation, in partnership with the Holy Cross Center for Women, has hosted an annual “Lend A Hand” Christmas event. Since 1984, the Saint Agnes Holy Cross Center for Women in downtown Fresno has served as a refuge for homeless and underserved women and their children, including women who have been victims of domestic violence, from Fresno County and surrounding areas.


Approximately 900 low-income women and children are invited to be our guests for this special event. With the help of many volunteers and contributors, we serve dinner to these families in need. In addition, we obtain donations of toys and bicycles that are distributed to the children in attendance. For most of these children, it becomes their only Christmas present due to family financial hardships.



From 2002-2004, this event began with hosting 250 guests from the Holy Cross Center for Women, from 2005-2009 it increased to approximately 400-600 guests through 2012, and most recently to 950 women and children in 2016.


For 2017, our goal is to expand our outreach to 1,000 women and children from the Holy Cross Center for Women.


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