The Fresno Area Hispanic Foundation, in partnership with the City of Fresno is providing a total of $1,500,000 for façade improvements under the ARPA Façade Grant Program. Eligible commercial businesses in the City of Fresno that the COVID-19 Pandemic has disproportionately impacted are encouraged to apply!
Map of disproportionately impacted areas
The Program is designed to fund commercial façade improvements visible from public right-of-way.
Apply for the Façade Improvement Program Grant
The program provides funding for façade improvement projects to approved applicants interested in enhancing existing business space exterior. Grant proceeds will be used for labor and materials directly related to the façade project. Upon approval, the grants will reimburse up to $25,000 for single storefront properties, and up to $50,000 for multiple storefronts properties after FAHF & CITY deems the project complete and upon submitting invoice and proof of payment.
Once approved, advancement of the grant amount (up to $12,500) will be provided to qualified businesses.
Applications shall be considered on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Maximum Reimbursement
Existing Properties with Single Storefront
Maximum Reimbursement
Existing Properties with Multiple Storefronts
Eligibility Requirements
& Guidelines
Must have a current Business Tax Certificate and be in good standing with the City of Fresno.
MUST be within the City of Fresno “COVID-19 Disproportionately Impacted Area.”
MUST be an independently owned business operating on the property under consideration for at least one year. Businesses receiving façade grant improvements must meet Small Business Criteria as defined in 15 U.S.C. 632 - meaning a business is independently owned and operated and is not dominant in its field of operation.
MUST have 25 or fewer employees. An employee working 40 hours per week equals 1.0 FTE; Employee working 20 hours per week equals .5 PTE.
MUST submit licensed contractor information for verification to FAHF before the project start date.
MUST submit proof of insurance for the licensed contractor.
MUST submit a signed letter of approval from the building owner approving the façade project for those tenants with long-term leases.
MUST commence the façade project after grant award confirmation is received.
MUST submit before and after pictures.
Only EXTERIOR façade renovations of EXISTING businesses are eligible.
Historic properties must comply with the Secretary of the Interior Standards for the Rehabilitation of Historic Structures and receive approval from the City of Fresno Historic Preservation Commission prior to funding.
All work must be performed by a verified licensed contractor with a valid City of Fresno Business Tax Certificate.
Priority may be given to businesses operating in Chinatown, Downtown, the Bus Rapid Transit (BRT)/Transit Oriented Development (TOD) corridor areas along Blackstone and Kings Canyon, Tower District, and the FYI Airport Area.
Businesses owned (in whole or part) by City of Fresno Staff, Council members, Fresno Area Hispanic Foundation Staff, or their spouses or domestic partners are NOT eligible.